Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Letter A Day!!!!

Our first letter A day is complete!!!!!!!

Letter A Pancakes
We started out the day with letter A pancakes. Since Michael is autistic and we are taking steps towards becoming gluten-free. This was the first day trying pancakes that were gluten-free and I was pleased that they were a big hit.   I made the pancake batter as instructed and then put the batter into a ziploc bag by cutting off a corner of the bag I turn it into a quick, cheap pastry type of bag where I can shape the batter as I pour it onto the pan.  Presto, chango.....pancakes are now in the shape of a letter. I think this is going to become my Monday staple as we move through the alphabet every Monday.

Letter A Worksheet
For this weeks worksheet I picked up a new product called Senso Paint. Basically, they are like bingo stampers but, scented (who knew?!?) It was just something I happened to pass by when picking up a few craft items this weekend. Gabby did great and was really in awe at the whole concept. Michael of course took a lot more prompting to get him to use it (he absolutely hates crafting activities other than ones that involve foam crafts).  Upon completion the worksheets are living on my wall of art for the week so we can keep visually reinforcing the letter A. 

Making An Egg Carton Ant
The Egg Carton Ants are easy enough.  I cut out two ants in a each with three bumps from the bottom of an egg carton.  From there I used a hole-punch to make holes for the legs that I added with brown pipe cleaners.  They both got to paint them brown and I added the googly eyes after they dried to finish them up.

That about rounded out our day along with singing the ants go marching 1 by 1 with our egg carton ants.  Combined with our normal activities of free play, therapy sessions, etc. it was a busy day but, it went rather well and each activity was broken up. I don't know that they know the letter A anymore today then they did before but, I feel like they had fun and whether they know it or not are actually learning things.

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